Professor Doctor
Hasan Hilmi Muratlı
Orthopedics and Traumatology specialist
He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. Then, he completed his Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist training in 1997. He continued his studies as an “Observer Fellow” at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, especially on knee surgery between 2002-2003. He was awarded the title of associate professor in 2006 and professor in 2013.
In 2010-2013, he founded the Orthopedics and Traumatology Training Clinic in Istanbul Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital. He served as Clinical Chief, Training and Administrative Officer. He has performed thousands of successful surgeries in Adult Orthopedics (Hip and Knee Prosthesis Surgery, Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Meniscus and Cartilage Surgery) and Pediatric Orthopedics since 2002. He worked as a lecturer at Trakya University Faculty of Medicine between 2013-2017. He has been working as a lecturer at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine and Marmara University Pendik Training and Research Hospital since June 2017.
He works on hip problems of all ages from infancy to adulthood. He successfully performs both the treatment of congenital hip dislocation (Developmental Hip Dysplasia) in infants and the treatments in adolescence, middle age and advanced ages. Apart from this, especially in knee surgery, total knee replacement, anterior cruciate ligament surgery and hip total prosthesis are among his specialties. In addition to these, he performs robotic knee and hip replacement surgeries, which are frequently applied today.
After being a member of the board of directors for many years, he has been the chairman of the Children’s Orthopedics Association since 2018. He works on Congenital Dislocation of the Hip (Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip), Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy (CP), foot, knee and hip problems in children. He has presented scientific studies in many national and international meetings on pediatric orthopedics and has many publications. He has been honored with achievement awards in many subjects. He is a member of the European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). He has been the chairman of the Child Orthopedics Association (ÇOD) since 2018.

Professor Doctor
Hasan Hilmi Muratlı
Orthopedics and Traumatology specialist
He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. Then, he completed his Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist training in 1997. He continued his studies as an “Observer Fellow” at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, especially on knee surgery between 2002-2003. He was awarded the title of associate professor in 2006 and professor in 2013.
In 2010-2013, he founded the Orthopedics and Traumatology Training Clinic in Istanbul Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital. He served as Clinical Chief, Training and Administrative Officer. He has performed thousands of successful surgeries in Adult Orthopedics (Hip and Knee Prosthesis Surgery, Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Meniscus and Cartilage Surgery) and Pediatric Orthopedics since 2002. He worked as a lecturer at Trakya University Faculty of Medicine between 2013-2017. He has been working as a lecturer at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine and Marmara University Pendik Training and Research Hospital since June 2017.
He works on hip problems of all ages from infancy to adulthood. He successfully performs both the treatment of congenital hip dislocation (Developmental Hip Dysplasia) in infants and the treatments in adolescence, middle age and advanced ages. Apart from this, especially in knee surgery, total knee replacement, anterior cruciate ligament surgery and hip total prosthesis are among his specialties. In addition to these, he performs robotic knee and hip replacement surgeries, which are frequently applied today.
After being a member of the board of directors for many years, he has been the chairman of the Children’s Orthopedics Association since 2018. He works on Congenital Dislocation of the Hip (Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip), Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy (CP), foot, knee and hip problems in children. He has presented scientific studies in many national and international meetings on pediatric orthopedics and has many publications. He has been honored with achievement awards in many subjects. He is a member of the European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). He has been the chairman of the Child Orthopedics Association (ÇOD) since 2018.
- Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (1992)
- Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist (1997)
- University of Pittsburgh – Observer Fellow (2002)
- Associate Professor Title (2006)
- Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital (2010)
- Professor Doctor Title (2013)
- Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member (2013)
- Marmara University Training and Research Hospital Faculty Member (2017)
- Pediatric Orthopedics Association – Association Presidency (2018)
- EPOS – European Association of Pediatric Orthopedics – Membership (2018)

- Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (1992)
- Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist (1997)
- University of Pittsburgh – Observer Fellow (2002)
- Associate Professor Title (2006)
- Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital (2010)
- Professor Doctor Title (2013)
- Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member (2013)
- Marmara University Training and Research Hospital Faculty Member (2017)
- Pediatric Orthopedics Association – Association Presidency (2018)
- EPOS – European Association of Pediatric Orthopedics – Membership (2018)

Memberships to Scientific Organizations
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Education Council (TOTEK-Board)
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Union Association Pediatric Orthopedics Branch Board Member 2nd President
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Trauma Branch.
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Arthroplasty Branch.
- Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTDER)
- Europan Pediatric Orthopedics of Society (EPSOS)
- President of the Child Orthopedics Association (ÇOD)
Memberships to Scientific Organizations
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Education Council (TOTEK-Board)
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Union Association Pediatric Orthopedics Branch Board Member 2nd President
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Trauma Branch.
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Arthroplasty Branch.
- Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTDER)
- Europan Pediatric Orthopedics of Society (EPSOS)
- President of the Child Orthopedics Association (ÇOD)
Studies Published in Peer-reviewed Journals
Yüksel HY, Yimaz S, Akşahin E, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. The results of nonoperative treatment for three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus in low-demand patients.J Orthop Trauma. 2011 Oct;25(10):588-95.
Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Yavuzer G, Muratlı HH, Celebi L,figurlioğlu A. Quantitative gait characteristics of children who had successful unilateral clubfoot operation.Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2010;44(5):378-84.
Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A.The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part II: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation . J Pediatr Orthop.2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
Cebi H, Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Aktekin CN, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. Plasma vascular endothelial growth factor levels are similar in subjects with and without osteoporosis.Eklem Disease Surgery. 2010 Aug;21(2):91-7.
Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Gülçek S, Celebi L, Formatoğlu A. Axial plane coverage and torsion measurements in primary osteoarthritis of the hip with good frontal plane coverage and spherical femoral head.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Oct;130(10):1305-10.
Hapa O, Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Doğruyol D, Formoğlu A. Single or double distal locking in intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures: a prospective randomized study. Ulus Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery. 2010 Jan;16(1):33-7.
Yüksel HY, Yilmaz S, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Duran S, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part I: MRI evaluation.J Pediatric Orthop. 2009 Dec;29(8):872-8.
Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Hapa O, Günal T, Celebi L. Does Salter innominate osteotomy with transiliac lengthening effect triradiate cartilage or cause posterior coverage insufficiency?Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Dec;129(12):1607-11.
Akşahin E, Celebi L, Yüksel HY, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Aktekin CN, Formoğlu A. Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: comparison of efficacy between normal and high-risk groups.J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):39-43.
Celebi L, Doğan O, Muratli HH, Yağmurlu MF,figuroğlu A. The effectiveness of short-segment posterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar burst fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007;41(3):183-9.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Doğan O, Yağmurlu MF, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. The results of intramedullary nailing in children who developed redisplacement during cast treatment of both-bone forearm fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007;41(3):175-82.
Gunal T, Muratli HH, Hapa O, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A.Residual axial plane deformities after hip reconstruction for developmental dysplasia of the hip after walking age. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2007 Mar;16(2):84-9.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A.Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2006;40(2):105-10.
Celebi L, Can M, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A.Indirect reduction and biological internal fixation of comminuted subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. Injury 2006 Aug;37(8):740-50. Epub 2006 Feb 17.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Bicimoglu A.Bensahel et al. and International Clubfoot Study Group evaluation of treated clubfoot: assessment of interobserver and intraobserver reliability. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2006 Jan;15(1):34-6.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A.Comparison of plasma endothelin levels between osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal subjects. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord. 2005 Sep 20;6:49.
Celebi L, Dogan O, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A.Treatment of humeral pseudarthroses by open reduction and internal fixation. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39(3):205-210.
Muratli HH, Dagli C, Yavuzer G, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A.Gait characteristics of patients with bilateral club feet following posteromedial release procedure. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2005 May;14(3):206-11.
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Tabak YA, Celebi L, Pakel I.Mechanoreceptor evaluation of hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in developmental hip dysplasia: a preliminary study. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2004 Sep;13(5):299-302.
Heybeli M, Muratli HH, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A.The results of intramedullary fixation with titanium elastic nails in children with femoral fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(3):178-87.
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Celebi L, Boyacigil S, Damgaci L, Tabak AY.Magnetic resonance arthrographic evaluation of syndesmotic diastasis in ankle fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2005 May;125(4):222-7. Epub 2004 Aug 7.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Dogan O, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A.The efficacy of non-operative treatment of burst fractures of the thoracolumbar vertebrae. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(1):16-22.
Tabak AY, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A.Closed reduction and percutaneous fixation of supracondylar fracture of the humerus and ipsilateral fracture of the forearm in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2003 Nov;85(8):1169-72. Erratum in: J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004 May;86(4):622. Murath, H H [corrected to Muratli, H H].
Tabak AY, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A.Cementless total hip replacement in patients with high total dislocation: the results of femoral shortening by subtrochanteric segmental resection. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(4):277-83.
Muratli HH, Can M, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY. The results of acetabular shelf procedures in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(2):138-43.
Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY.Treatment of childhood unstable radius distal methaphysis fractures with closed reduction and percutaneous Kirschner wires. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2002;36(1):52-7.
Bicimoglu A, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Aktekin CN. The results of plate fixation with the use of biological fixation principles and minimally invasive technique in femur fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2002;36(2):129-35. (At least half of the Editorial Board, which is scanned by other international indexes except Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI- Expanded , Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), consists of international editors. Authorship of articles and compilations published or accepted for publication in refereed international journals published at least twice (except for Social Sciences and Humanities, published outside Turkey).
Hapa O, Muratlı HH, Cakıcı H, Gülçek S, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. Is there a relation between hip torsion, coverage and osteoarthritis of the knee?J Child Orthop. 2009 Feb;3(1):27-31. (Case report and technical note writing published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals scanned by the Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI- Expanded, Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).)
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A.Bilateral patellar tendon rupture in a child: a case report. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005 Nov;13(8):677-82. Epub 2005 May 28.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A.Simultaneous rupture of the quadriceps tendon and contralateral patellar tendon in a patient with chronic renal failure. J Orthop Sci. 2005;10(2):227-32.
Muratli HH, Dagli C, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY.Recurrent traumatic hip dislocation in a child. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(2):149-53.
Altay M, Yagmurlu F, Heybeli M, Muratli HH, Tabak Y, Bicimoglu A.Simultaneous asymmetric bilateral traumatic hip dislocation: a case report. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(2):182-6. (Letter to the editor that has been published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals scanned by the Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI- Expanded, Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).)
Muratli HH, Muratli SN, Bicimoglu A, Gogus N.The effect of intra-articular methadone on postoperative pain following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Aug;87(8):1883; author reply 1884.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Dynamic foot pressure measurements in patient with club feet. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Published online on 14 September 2004 (Letter to the Editor).
Authorship of oral papers presented and abstracts of which are published in a congress or symposium organized by an internationally recognized society or association with a scientific referee board, which is held periodically every 1-4 years.
Cebi H, Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Aktekin C, Bicimoglu A. Plasma Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Alterations in Osteoporotic and Normal Subject. 11th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Madrid, Spain, 2-5 June 2010. (Published on Online-CD)
Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Bicimoglu A, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yilmaz S. Results of conservative treatment in patients with Neer type III and IV proximal humerus fractures. 10th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 June 2009. (Published on Online-CD)
Aksahin E, Yuksel H, Yavuzer G, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A. Quantative gait characteristics of children with successfully operated unilateral clubfoot. 10th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 June 2009. (Published on Online-CD)
Aksahin E, Yavuzer G, Yuksel H, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A. Association between clinical assessment and gait parameter in surgically treated idiopathic clubfoot. 10th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 June 2009. (Published on Online-CD)
Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Yagmurlu M, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Evaluation of the natural course of C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate following primary total knee and hip arthroplasty: Which factors affect this course? 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nice, France, 29 May-1 June 2008. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2010 May; 92-B (supp II): 315-316.
Yuksel H, Yilmaz S, Duran S, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. The MRI evaluation of iliopsoas and other hip muscles in patients with unilateral DDH treated with one-stage combined procedure. 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nice, France, 29 May-1 June 2008. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2010 May; 92-B (supp II):338.
Yilmaz S, Yuksel H, Ersoz M, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements in patients with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with one-stage combined procedure. 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nice, France, 29 May-1 June 2008. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2010 May; 92-B (supp II):338.
Yilmaz S, Bicimoglu A, Muratli H, Aksahin E, Yuksel HY, Celebi L, Ersoz M. Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements in patients with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with one-stage combined procedure. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):36-37.
Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Duran S, Yilmaz S. The MRI evaluation of iliopsoas and other hip muscles in patients with unilateral DDH treated with one-stage combined procedure. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):37.
Muratli HH, Gunal T, Yuksel HY, Aksahin E, Çelebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A. Does Salter Innominate Osteotomy with transiliac lengthening effect triradiate cartilage or cause posterior coverage insufficiency? 2007 EPOS|IFPOS Combined Meeting, Sorrento, Italy, 11-14 April 2007. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics2007 March; 1 (supp 1):17.
Muratli HH, Korksuz F, Korkusuz P, Ercan S, Bicimoglu A. Effects of endothelin-1 loaded hydroxiapatite ceramics on segmental bone defects. XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Abstract Book, p.32.
Celebi L, Doğan O, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Formoglu A. The efficacy of short segment posterior instrumentation in burst fractures of thoracolomber vertebrae. XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Abstract Book, p.174.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Formoglu A. Bensahel et al and International Clubfoot Study Group Evaluation for treated clubfoot; assessment of interobserver and intraobserver reliability. IV. International Clubfoot Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Abstract Book, p.33.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Formoğlu A. Endothelin plasma levels are increased in male patients with osteoporosis. 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopedics and Traumatology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (Published on Online-CD)
Celebi L, Can M, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A. Indirect reduction and biologic internal fixation of communited subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopedics and Traumatology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (Published on Online-CD)
Muratli HH, Gunal T, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A. Axial plane evaluation of hips treated by one-staged combined procedures because of developmental dysplasia of the hip after walking age. European Paediatric Orthopedic Society 24th Annual Meeting, Palm de Mallorca, 2005, Conference Book, p.68.
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY, Yagmurlu MF, Celebi L, Pakel İ. Evaluation of mechanoreceptors in the hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in developmental dysplasia of the hip. European Paediatric Orthopedic Society 22nd Annual Meeting, London, 2003, Conference Book, p. 88. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2003; 85(Suppl III): 257.)
Bicimoglu A, Muratli HH, Tabak AY, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Celebi L. The results of plate fixation principles and minimally invasive technique in femur fractures. 6th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopedics and Traumatology, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, Abstract Book, p.167. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004; 86(Suppl III): 349.)
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY, Boyacıgil S, Damgacı L, Heybeli M. The evaluation of the syndesmotic disruption by MRI-Arthrography at Denis-Weber Type B and C ankle fractures. 6th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, Abstract Book, p.60-61. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004; 86(Suppl III): 255.)
Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Bicimoglu A, Korkusuz F, Korkusuz P. Bosentan, a non specific endothelin antagonist enhances mineralisation in long bone fracture,” 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece , 2001, Abstract Book, p. 122. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2001; 83(Suppl II): 230.)
Bicimoglu A, Yagmurlu MF, Muratli HH, Tabak AY, Aktekin CN. Fixation of isolated pediatric femoral shaft fractures with closed intramedullary flexible titanium nails” 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstract Book, p. 55. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2001; 83 (Suppl II);163.)
Çakar G, Babaoğlan B, Günel U, Muratlı HH. The treatment and the result of talus fractures. SICOT Regional Congress and XIV. Turkish National Congress for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Izmir, 1995, Abstract Book, p. 328.
Uçaner A, Muratlı HH, Pehlivan M, Sarsu A. The treatment of the congenital vertical talus by soft tissue release. SICOT Regional Congress and XIV. Turkish National Congress for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Izmir, 1995, Abstract Book, p. 294.
Authorship of poster papers whose full text or abstract is published in a congress or symposium organized by an internationally recognized society or association with a scientific referee board, which is held periodically every 1-4 years.
Yuksel H, Hapa O, Muratli H, Aksahin E, Gulcek S, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Axial plane coverage and torsion measurements in primary osteoarthritis of the hip with good frontal plane coverage and spheric femoral head. 11th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Madrid, Spain, 2-5 June 2010.
Aksahin E, Yavuzer G, Yuksel HY, Celebi L, Muratli H, Bicimoglu A. Association between clinical assessment and gait parameters in surgically treated idiopathic clubfoot. 17th Annual Meeting of European Society for Movement Analysis for Adults and Children. 8-13 September 2008, Antalya, Turkey. Gait and Posture 2008 September; 28 (supp 2):113-114
Celebi L, Bicimoglu A, Aktekin CN, Aksahin E, Muratlı HH, Yuksel HY, Hapa O. Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: Comparison of efficacy between normal and high risk groups. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):75
Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A, Komurcu E, Yavuzer G, Muratli H, Celebi L, Yilmaz S. Long term assessment of unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip after the walking age using quantitative gait analysis: Kinematic hip data. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):43-44.
Bicimoglu A, Celebi L, Aksahin E, Yılmaz S, Yuksel HY, Muratli HH. Cementless total hip replacement without femoral shortening in high total dislocation. European Hip Society 2006 Domestic Meeting, 21-24 June 2006, Antalya, Turkey. Hip International 2006 April-June; 16(2):165
Tabak AY, Bicimoglu A, Yagmurlu MF, Muratli HH, Celebi L. Total hip replacement with femoral shortening for the treatment of high congenital hip dislocation. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstracts of Posters Book, p.90.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratli HH, Tabak AY, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A. Immediate percutaneous fixation for the treatment of pediatric distal radius fractures. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstracts of Posters Book, p. 9-10.
Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Celebi L. Cementles total hip replacement in avascular necrosis of the femoral head. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstracts of Posters Book, p.92.
Authorship of chapters in books published or accepted to be published by national publishing houses (except for congress, symposium, workshop, etc.)
Muratli, HH. Use of ceramic biomaterials in Orthopedics and Traumatology. Biomaterials in Orthopedics and Traumatology, ed. M. Gorgec, I. Öztürk, B. Aksoy and H. Bombacı, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Istanbul, 2005, pp.49-57.
Authorship of chapters/chapters in translated books published or accepted to be published by national publishers, including ISBN number, web address available on the internet and the address of the publisher.
Translation: Dr.Ozan Akça, Dr.Emre Bal, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. pes planus In: Campbell Operative Orthopedics. Volume IV. S. Terry Canale, James H. Beaty Eds. Translation Editors. Prof.Dr.Mustafa Başbozkurt, Assoc.Dr.Cemil Yıldız. Sun Medical Bookstores. p: 4587-4623.ISBN:978-975-277-346
Translation: Dr.Cem Nuri Aktekin, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Childhood foot fractures. In: Handbook of Fractures and Dislocations. Kenneth J.Koval, Joseph D. Zuckerman Eds. Translation Editor: Prof.Dr.Uğur Şaylı. Güneş Medical Bookstores.p:629-643. ISBN: 978-975-277-302-8.
Translation: Dr. Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 24. Glenohumeral Arthrodesis. Brent B. Wiesel and Robin R. Richards. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr.Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr.Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3256-3260.
Translation: Dr. Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 25. Total and Partial Shoulder Arthroplasty and Biological Glenoid Resurfacing in Rototor Cuff Intact Glenohumeral Arthritis. Gerald R Williams. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3261-3274.
Translation: Dr.Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 26. Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty and Total Arthroplasty in Patients with Unrepairable Rototor Cuff Tears. Frederic A.Matsen III, Steven B.Lippitt, Ryan T.Bicknell. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3275-3287.
Translation: Dr. Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 27. Pectoralis Major Repair. Matthew D. Pepe, Bradford S. Tucker, Carl Basamania. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3288-3292.
Translation: Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı, Dr.Sinan Karaca. Chapter 28. Cracking Scapula Syndrome. Jon J.P. Warner, Bassem Elhassan. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Güneş Medical Bookstores.. p:3293-3300.
Translation: Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı, Dr.Sinan Karaca. Chapter 29. The Eden Lange Procedure for Trapezius Paralysis. Jonathan H. Lee, William N. Levine. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3301-3307.
Translation: Dr.Özgün Karakuş, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 30. Pectoralis Major Transfer in Thorasicus Longus Nerve Injury. Raymund A. Klug, Bradford O. Parsons, Evan L. Flatow. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk Güneş Medical Bookstores. p:3308-3315.
Translation: Dr.Özgün Karakuş, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 31. Scapulothoracic Arthrodesis. Shadley C. Schiffern, Sumant G. Krishnan. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3316-3322.
Translation: Dr.Özgün Karakuş, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 32. Suprascapular Nerve Decompression. Andreas H. Gomoll, Anthony A. Romeo. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3323-3328.
Article writing in journals in the TUBITAK Directory
Çelebi L, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Formoğlu A. Intramedullary locking nailing in femoral shaft fractures: The effect of open and closed reduction on results. Arthroplasty Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery 2006;17:115-122.
Muratlı HH, Yüksel HY, Çelebi L, Dağlı C,figuroğlu A. Functional treatment of adult humeral shaft fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2004; 15:143-151.
Muratlı HH, Yüksel HY, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A, Tabak AY. Our results of treatment with elevation, grafting and internal fixation in tibial plateau fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003;14: 222-229.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A, Tabak AY. Comparison of non-drilling locked intramedullary nailing applications in open and closed tibial shaft fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003;14:25-31.
Uysal ŞN, Muratlı HH, Erdem D, Mutlu M, Tekin M, Göğüş N. Epidural opioids in total hip and knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003;14:18-23.
Tabak AY, Formoglu A, Celebi L, Muratlı HH, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN. Early results of revision total hip arthroplasty using a self-locking revision stem (Wagner stem). Arthroplasty Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery, 2002;13: 65-72.
Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Günel U, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A. Primary in situ arthrodesis of the subtalar joint in intraarticular multicomponent calcaneal fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2001;12:169-177.
Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A, Çelebi L. Clinical and radiological results of patients who underwent complete subtalar release in pes equinovarus. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2001;12:22-31.
Tabak AY, Taşbaş BA, Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH. Application of closed intramedullary nailing in pediatric forearm shaft double fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 2000;34: 374-378.
Writing compilation, technical notes and case presentations in journals in the TÜBİTAK Directory
Hapa O,Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Biçimoğlu A. A case of primitive neuroectodermal tumor in the distal phalanx. Joint Diseases and Surgery, 2007,18(3):130-133.
Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Biçimoğlu A. Isolated greater trochanter tuberculosis: Case report Arthroplasty Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery 2006;17:151-154.
Muratlı HH, Can M, Formoğlu A. Current approach in fracture fixation: internal splinting. TOTBID Magazine. 2003;2: 44-51.
Authorship of articles, reviews, technical notes and case reports that have been published or accepted to be published in other national journals
Muratlı HH, Heybeli M, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Yüksel HY, GünalT. The results of thalectomy intervention in rigid pes equino varus deformity secondary to Arthrogryposis mutiplex congenita. Ankara Numune Hospital Medical Journal. 2003;42:41-46.
Uysal ŞN, Erdem D, Arkan G, Muratlı HH, Demirci A, Kılcı O, Dikmen B. The effect of epidural tramadol and morphine on surgical stress response in major orthopedic interventions. Incision. 2001;4:138-145.
Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Doğan Ö, Formoğlu A. Closed reduction and percutaneous Kirschner wire fixation in fully displaced extension type supracondylar humerus fractures. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopedics (Adopted for publication)
Yuksel HY, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Formoglu A, Tabak AY. Our results of total knee arthroplasty with the Freeman-Samuelson Integral-Modular Total Condylar Knee Prosthesis System. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopedics (Adopted for publication)
Authorship of an oral paper presented in a congress or symposium with a scientific refereeing committee organized periodically, every 1-4 years, by a national society or association and whose full text is published
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Doğan Ö, Formoğlu A. Evaluation of conservative treatment in thoracolumbar burst fractures. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003, Congress Book, Volume I, pp.186-189.
Muratlı HH, Dağlı C, Yavuzer G, Formatoğlu A. Evaluation of patients with idiopathic talipes equinovarus who underwent bilateral posteromedial release surgery by gait analysis. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003 Congress Book, Volume I, pp.460-462.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH, Can M, Tabak AY. Our dynamic arthrography applications in the treatment of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p.301-302.
Aktekin CN, Muratlı HH, Günal T, Tabak AY. Our hemiarthroplasty and dhs plate applications in unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures over the age of 60. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p.200-202.
Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Dağlı C. The effect of wound problems on results in complete subtalar release surgery. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p.340-341.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Doğan Ö, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A. Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with gkd with high total dislocation. femoral shortening with subtrochanteric segmental resection. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p. 191-192.
Uçaner A, Muratlı HH, Hasoğlan M. Our biological fixation applications in comminuted long bone fractures. XVI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 1999, Congress Book, p. 244-247.
Günel U, L Celebi, Muratli HH. Applications of primary in situ joint arthrodesis in patients with multiple comminuted calcaneal fractures. XVI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 1999, Congress Book, p. 367-370.
Formoglu A, Gunel U, Muratli HH. Results of complete subtalar release surgery in pes equino varus. XV. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 1997, Congress Book, pp.393-396.
Authorship of oral papers presented and abstracts published in a congress or symposium with a scientific referee board organized periodically, every 1-4 years, by a national society or association
Çebi H, Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Muratlı H, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A. Changes in plasma VEGF in normal and osteoporotic patients. XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3-8 November 2009, Çeşme, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43, supp. I; 42.
Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Formatoğlu A. Immediate incorporation pelvipedal cast in pediatric femur fractures: A comparison of its effectiveness in patients with and without increased risk of shortness. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 19.
Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A. Evaluation of factors that affect the natural course of CRP and ESR in patients with primary total knee and hip arthroplasty, other than infection. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 45.
Yılmaz S, Yüksel HY, Ersöz M, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Formatoğlu A. Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements of hip circumference in patients who underwent radical reduction due to unilateral DDH. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 57.
Yüksel HY, Yılmaz S, Duran S, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Formatoğlu A. MRI evaluation of the iliopsoas muscle and other muscles around the hips in patients with unilateral DDH who underwent radical reduction. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 58.
Yüksel HY, Yılmaz S, Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. Conservative follow-up of patients with proximal humerus Neer type III and IV fractures without surgical treatment. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 82.
Muratlı HH, Korksuz F, Korkusuz P, Ercan S, Formoğlu A. Investigation of the role of endothelin-1 loaded hydroxyapatite ceramics in fracture healing in a segmental bone defect model created in the rabbit forearm. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (suppl 2):33.
Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Akşahin E, Muratlı H, Biçimoğlu A. Results of ilizarov fixator treatment in pilon fractures. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):49.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı H, Akşahin E, Çelebi L. Our ilizarov external fixation results in tibial plateau fractures caused by high-energy trauma. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):52-53.
Muratlı H, Celebi L, Hapa O, Formoğlu A. Endothelin 1 level in patients with osteoporosis. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):64.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Doğan Ö, Yağmurlu MF, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. Intramedullary fixation in pediatric forearm fractures that were displaced again during plaster treatment. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):84.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Yağmurlu MF, Formoğlu A. Bensahel et al. and the reliability of the international clubfoot study group assessment system. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):86.
Çelebi L, Doğan Ö, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Formoğlu A. Correction loss in short segment instrumentation of thoracolumbar vertebral burst fractures is associated with the amount of intraoperative correction. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):70.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Yağmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A. Cross-kirschner application in pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures. II. Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, İzmir, 2002, Abstract Book, p.36.
Authorship of poster papers whose full text or abstract is published in a congress or symposium with a scientific referee board organized periodically, once every 1-4 years, by a national society or association
Formoglu A, Celebi L, Akşahin E, Yilmaz S, Yuksel HY, Muratli HH. Cementless total hip arthroplasty without femoral shortening in high hip dislocation. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 126.
Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Formatoğlu A. Results of our patients who underwent Fulkerson tuberosityase tibial anteromedialization in chronic anterior knee pain. VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress. 10-14 October 2006, Kuşadası, Turkey. Abstract book, page: 132.
Muratlı HH, Yılmaz S. Clinical and functional results of cases treated surgically for chronic patellofemoral malalignment. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005; 39 (suppl 2):208.
Çelebi L, Can M, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Yüksel HY,figuroğlu A. Indirect reduction and biological internal fixation in comminuted subtrochanteric femur fractures. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 2005;39 (suppl 2):213.
Yetener V, Muratlı H, Mumcuoğlu İ, Utkan A, Balaban N. A case of corynebacterium glucuronolyticum isolated from a wound infection. XXXI. Turkish Microbiology Congress, Congress Book, Aydın, 2004, Congress Book; p.365.
Muratlı HH, Biçimoğlu A, Tabak AY, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Pakel İ. Evaluation of hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in terms of mechanoreceptors in developmental hip dysplasia. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003, Congress Book, Volume II, p.212.
Yağmurlu M, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A. Treatment of pediatric femoral shaft fractures with rare nails. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003, Volume II, p.257.
Muratli HH, Tabak AY. Recurrent traumatic hip dislocation in children. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Volume II, p.661.
Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Dağlı C,figuroğlu A. Mini cincinnati approach in the surgical treatment of pes equinovarus. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Volume II, p.642.
Refereeing in peer-reviewed journals scanned by the Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Joint Diseases and Related Surgery
Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica
Editorship, congress chairmanship and secretariat in a refereed congress or symposium held in Turkey or abroad periodically.
Annual Meeting of European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children. 08-13 September 2008. Gloria Golf Resort Hotel. Antalya. Turkey. Local Organizing Committee Member.
Panel chairman, panelist or speaker at a refereed congress or symposium held in Turkey or abroad periodically.
4th International Clubfoot Congress. International Federation of Pediatric Orthopedic Societies. Istanbul. Turkey. 2005. VII. Evaluation and Outcome. Moderator
6th National Prostehetics and Orthotics Congress with International Participants. 17-20 October 2007. GATA TAF Rehabilitation and Care Center. Bilkent Ankara. Evaluation of orthotics in polio and DABO measurement. Speaker – Technical workshop practitioner
Editorial, congress chairman and secretariat at a peer-reviewed congress or symposium held periodically by a national society or organization
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 06-07 April 2013. Harran University Faculty of Medicine Conference Hall. Sanliurfa. Course Head
Pediatric Orthopedics Review Course. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Headquarters. 1-2 February 2013. Ankara. Course Head
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 09-10 November 2012. Fırat University Medical Faculty Hospital Conference Hall. Elazig. Course Head.
Orthopedics Meeting. 23-27 April 2008. Gloria Golf Resort Hotel. Belek Antalya. Scientific Committee Member.
Pediatric Knee Problems Symposium. 15-16 June 2007. Istanbul Crown Plaza. Member of Istanbul Symposium Organizing Committee. Symposium Secretary.
Cerebral Palsy Symposium. 23-24 March 2007 Bilkent Hotel Ankara. Member of the Organizing Committee.
Panel chairman, panelist or speaker at a peer-reviewed congress or symposium held periodically by a national society or organization
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 06-07 April 2013. Harran University Faculty of Medicine Conference Hall. Sanliurfa. Infantile hip ultrasonography- anatomy with graph method. Speaker-Trainer
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 06-07 April 2013. Harran University Faculty of Medicine Conference Hall. Sanliurfa. Application of the Ponseti method. Speaker-Trainer
Uludag Orthopedics and Traumatology Days. 11. Arthroplasty Winter Meeting. 7-10 March 2013. Grand Yazıcı Hotel. Uludag Bursa. Negative effects of sports on health in the pediatric age group. Speaker
Pediatric Orthopedics Review Course. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Headquarters. 1-2 February 2013. Ankara. Displacement of the Epiphyse of the Femoral Head. Speaker
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 09-10 November 2012. Fırat University Medical Faculty Hospital Conference Hall. Elazig. Infantile hip ultrasonography- anatomy with graph method. Speaker-Trainer
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 09-10 November 2012. Fırat University Medical Faculty Hospital Conference Hall. Elazig. Application of the Ponseti method. Speaker-Trainer
TOTBID-TOTEK Orthopedics and Traumatology Core Training Program (CEP) Clinical Knowledge Renewal Course. September 28, 2012. Istanbul. Displacement of the epiphysis of the femoral head. Speaker
National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress. 23-28 October 2007. Sheraton Hotel Convention Centre. Ankara. Interactive case discussion. Troubled upper extremity fractures. Debater
National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress. 23-28 October 2007. Sheraton Hotel Convention Centre. Ankara. The lame boy. Traumatic and stress-related causes. Panelist-Speaker
Pediatric Knee Problems Symposium. 15-16 June 2007. Istanbul Crown Plaza. Istanbul Pediatric knee hemarthrosis. Speaker
Advanced Surgical Artoscopy Course. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association. Ankara Branch. 8-9 June 2007. Hilton Hotel, Ankara. Patellar Instability Evaluation. Speaker, Educator
Cerebral Palsy Symposium. 23-24 March 2007 Bilkent Hotel Ankara. Cerebral palsy classification and accompanying problems. Speaker
Elbow circumference fractures, case reports. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005. Speaker
Use of ceramic biomaterials in orthopedics. XXIII. Akif Şakir Şakar Days, Istanbul, 2004. Conference
Treatment approach in complicated intra-articular fractures, case reports. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003. Speaker
Session chair or co-chairman of a refereed congress or symposium held periodically by a national society or organization
Baltalimanı Orthopedics and Traumatology Days. 23-25 November 2012. WOW Convention Centre. Istanbul. www.baltalimaniortopedi2012.org. Ankle session. moderator
Degree in national congresses and competitions, science, art and culture and sports events
TOTBID Keçiören (Pediatric Orthopedics) Branch 2011 Scientific Publication First Prize
“The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part II: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation.” Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A. J. Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
TOTBID Keçiören (Pediatric Orthopedics) Branch 2010 Scientific Publication Second Prize
“Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: comparison of efficacy between normal and high-risk groups.” Akşahin E, Celebi L, Yuksel HY, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Aktekin CN, Formoglu A. J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):39-43.
Derviş Manizade Science Awards 2010 Third Prize
“The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part II: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation.” Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A. J. Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
Taking part in the completed project supported by national organizations (TÜBİTAK, TUBA, DPT, TTGV, KOSGEB)
Formoğlu A, Muratlı HH, Korksuz P, Korkusuz F, Ercan S, Akın S, Akkuş O, Taşçı A, Volkan M, Kaya P, Özdurak H, Işıklı S. The use of endothelin 1 containing hydroxyapatite ceramics in segmental bone defects. Final report of TÜBİTAK Research and Development project. Project No: SBAG-2521. Ankara. January 2004.
Advising on completed doctoral or medical specialty theses
Evaluation of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels in osteoporotic patients. Dr. Hakan Cebi. Ankara 2008. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Assoc. Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Coverage, femoral, acetabular anteversion measurements in primary hip osteoarthritis. Dr. Honor Hap. Ankara 2006. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Assoc. Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Reconstruction results of chronic anterior cruciate ligament rupture with quadruple hamstring tendon graft. Dr. Ertugrul Aksahin. Master thesis. Ankara 2005. T.R. Ministry of Health Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Clinical, radiological and comparative gait analysis results in our operated bilateral pes equinovarus cases. Dr. Celalettin Dagli. Master thesis. Ankara. 2003. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Clinical, radiological and computed tomographic analysis of radical reduction intervention in walking-age developmental hip dysplasia patients. Dr. Tugrul Gunal. Ankara 2002. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Studies Published in Peer-reviewed Journals
Yüksel HY, Yimaz S, Akşahin E, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. The results of nonoperative treatment for three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus in low-demand patients.J Orthop Trauma. 2011 Oct;25(10):588-95.
Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Yavuzer G, Muratlı HH, Celebi L,figurlioğlu A. Quantitative gait characteristics of children who had successful unilateral clubfoot operation.Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2010;44(5):378-84.
Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A.The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part II: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation . J Pediatr Orthop.2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
Cebi H, Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Aktekin CN, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. Plasma vascular endothelial growth factor levels are similar in subjects with and without osteoporosis.Eklem Disease Surgery. 2010 Aug;21(2):91-7.
Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Gülçek S, Celebi L, Formatoğlu A. Axial plane coverage and torsion measurements in primary osteoarthritis of the hip with good frontal plane coverage and spherical femoral head.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Oct;130(10):1305-10.
Hapa O, Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Doğruyol D, Formoğlu A. Single or double distal locking in intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures: a prospective randomized study. Ulus Journal of Trauma Emergency Surgery. 2010 Jan;16(1):33-7.
Yüksel HY, Yilmaz S, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Duran S, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part I: MRI evaluation.J Pediatric Orthop. 2009 Dec;29(8):872-8.
Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Hapa O, Günal T, Celebi L. Does Salter innominate osteotomy with transiliac lengthening effect triradiate cartilage or cause posterior coverage insufficiency?Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Dec;129(12):1607-11.
Akşahin E, Celebi L, Yüksel HY, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Aktekin CN, Formoğlu A. Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: comparison of efficacy between normal and high-risk groups.J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):39-43.
Celebi L, Doğan O, Muratli HH, Yağmurlu MF,figuroğlu A. The effectiveness of short-segment posterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar burst fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007;41(3):183-9.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Doğan O, Yağmurlu MF, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. The results of intramedullary nailing in children who developed redisplacement during cast treatment of both-bone forearm fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007;41(3):175-82.
Gunal T, Muratli HH, Hapa O, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A.Residual axial plane deformities after hip reconstruction for developmental dysplasia of the hip after walking age. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2007 Mar;16(2):84-9.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A.Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2006;40(2):105-10.
Celebi L, Can M, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A.Indirect reduction and biological internal fixation of comminuted subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. Injury 2006 Aug;37(8):740-50. Epub 2006 Feb 17.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Bicimoglu A.Bensahel et al. and International Clubfoot Study Group evaluation of treated clubfoot: assessment of interobserver and intraobserver reliability. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2006 Jan;15(1):34-6.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A.Comparison of plasma endothelin levels between osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal subjects. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord. 2005 Sep 20;6:49.
Celebi L, Dogan O, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A.Treatment of humeral pseudarthroses by open reduction and internal fixation. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39(3):205-210.
Muratli HH, Dagli C, Yavuzer G, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A.Gait characteristics of patients with bilateral club feet following posteromedial release procedure. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2005 May;14(3):206-11.
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Tabak YA, Celebi L, Pakel I.Mechanoreceptor evaluation of hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in developmental hip dysplasia: a preliminary study. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2004 Sep;13(5):299-302.
Heybeli M, Muratli HH, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A.The results of intramedullary fixation with titanium elastic nails in children with femoral fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(3):178-87.
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Celebi L, Boyacigil S, Damgaci L, Tabak AY.Magnetic resonance arthrographic evaluation of syndesmotic diastasis in ankle fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2005 May;125(4):222-7. Epub 2004 Aug 7.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Dogan O, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A.The efficacy of non-operative treatment of burst fractures of the thoracolumbar vertebrae. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(1):16-22.
Tabak AY, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A.Closed reduction and percutaneous fixation of supracondylar fracture of the humerus and ipsilateral fracture of the forearm in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2003 Nov;85(8):1169-72. Erratum in: J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004 May;86(4):622. Murath, H H [corrected to Muratli, H H].
Tabak AY, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A.Cementless total hip replacement in patients with high total dislocation: the results of femoral shortening by subtrochanteric segmental resection. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(4):277-83.
Muratli HH, Can M, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY. The results of acetabular shelf procedures in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(2):138-43.
Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY.Treatment of childhood unstable radius distal methaphysis fractures with closed reduction and percutaneous Kirschner wires. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2002;36(1):52-7.
Bicimoglu A, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Aktekin CN. The results of plate fixation with the use of biological fixation principles and minimally invasive technique in femur fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2002;36(2):129-35. (At least half of the Editorial Board, which is scanned by other international indexes except Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI- Expanded , Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), consists of international editors. Authorship of articles and compilations published or accepted for publication in refereed international journals published at least twice (except for Social Sciences and Humanities, published outside Turkey).
Hapa O, Muratlı HH, Cakıcı H, Gülçek S, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. Is there a relation between hip torsion, coverage and osteoarthritis of the knee?J Child Orthop. 2009 Feb;3(1):27-31. (Case report and technical note writing published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals scanned by the Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI- Expanded, Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).)
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A.Bilateral patellar tendon rupture in a child: a case report. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005 Nov;13(8):677-82. Epub 2005 May 28.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A.Simultaneous rupture of the quadriceps tendon and contralateral patellar tendon in a patient with chronic renal failure. J Orthop Sci. 2005;10(2):227-32.
Muratli HH, Dagli C, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY.Recurrent traumatic hip dislocation in a child. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(2):149-53.
Altay M, Yagmurlu F, Heybeli M, Muratli HH, Tabak Y, Bicimoglu A.Simultaneous asymmetric bilateral traumatic hip dislocation: a case report. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(2):182-6. (Letter to the editor that has been published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals scanned by the Science Citation Index (SCI), SCI- Expanded, Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).)
Muratli HH, Muratli SN, Bicimoglu A, Gogus N.The effect of intra-articular methadone on postoperative pain following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Aug;87(8):1883; author reply 1884.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Dynamic foot pressure measurements in patient with club feet. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Published online on 14 September 2004 (Letter to the Editor).
Authorship of oral papers presented and abstracts of which are published in a congress or symposium organized by an internationally recognized society or association with a scientific referee board, which is held periodically every 1-4 years.
Cebi H, Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Aktekin C, Bicimoglu A. Plasma Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Alterations in Osteoporotic and Normal Subject. 11th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Madrid, Spain, 2-5 June 2010. (Published on Online-CD)
Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Bicimoglu A, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yilmaz S. Results of conservative treatment in patients with Neer type III and IV proximal humerus fractures. 10th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 June 2009. (Published on Online-CD)
Aksahin E, Yuksel H, Yavuzer G, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A. Quantative gait characteristics of children with successfully operated unilateral clubfoot. 10th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 June 2009. (Published on Online-CD)
Aksahin E, Yavuzer G, Yuksel H, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A. Association between clinical assessment and gait parameter in surgically treated idiopathic clubfoot. 10th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 June 2009. (Published on Online-CD)
Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Yagmurlu M, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Evaluation of the natural course of C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate following primary total knee and hip arthroplasty: Which factors affect this course? 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nice, France, 29 May-1 June 2008. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2010 May; 92-B (supp II): 315-316.
Yuksel H, Yilmaz S, Duran S, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. The MRI evaluation of iliopsoas and other hip muscles in patients with unilateral DDH treated with one-stage combined procedure. 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nice, France, 29 May-1 June 2008. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2010 May; 92-B (supp II):338.
Yilmaz S, Yuksel H, Ersoz M, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements in patients with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with one-stage combined procedure. 9th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nice, France, 29 May-1 June 2008. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 2010 May; 92-B (supp II):338.
Yilmaz S, Bicimoglu A, Muratli H, Aksahin E, Yuksel HY, Celebi L, Ersoz M. Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements in patients with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with one-stage combined procedure. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):36-37.
Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Duran S, Yilmaz S. The MRI evaluation of iliopsoas and other hip muscles in patients with unilateral DDH treated with one-stage combined procedure. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):37.
Muratli HH, Gunal T, Yuksel HY, Aksahin E, Çelebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A. Does Salter Innominate Osteotomy with transiliac lengthening effect triradiate cartilage or cause posterior coverage insufficiency? 2007 EPOS|IFPOS Combined Meeting, Sorrento, Italy, 11-14 April 2007. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics2007 March; 1 (supp 1):17.
Muratli HH, Korksuz F, Korkusuz P, Ercan S, Bicimoglu A. Effects of endothelin-1 loaded hydroxiapatite ceramics on segmental bone defects. XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Abstract Book, p.32.
Celebi L, Doğan O, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Formoglu A. The efficacy of short segment posterior instrumentation in burst fractures of thoracolomber vertebrae. XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Abstract Book, p.174.
Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Formoglu A. Bensahel et al and International Clubfoot Study Group Evaluation for treated clubfoot; assessment of interobserver and intraobserver reliability. IV. International Clubfoot Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Abstract Book, p.33.
Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Formoğlu A. Endothelin plasma levels are increased in male patients with osteoporosis. 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopedics and Traumatology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (Published on Online-CD)
Celebi L, Can M, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A. Indirect reduction and biologic internal fixation of communited subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopedics and Traumatology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (Published on Online-CD)
Muratli HH, Gunal T, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A. Axial plane evaluation of hips treated by one-staged combined procedures because of developmental dysplasia of the hip after walking age. European Paediatric Orthopedic Society 24th Annual Meeting, Palm de Mallorca, 2005, Conference Book, p.68.
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY, Yagmurlu MF, Celebi L, Pakel İ. Evaluation of mechanoreceptors in the hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in developmental dysplasia of the hip. European Paediatric Orthopedic Society 22nd Annual Meeting, London, 2003, Conference Book, p. 88. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2003; 85(Suppl III): 257.)
Bicimoglu A, Muratli HH, Tabak AY, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Celebi L. The results of plate fixation principles and minimally invasive technique in femur fractures. 6th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopedics and Traumatology, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, Abstract Book, p.167. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004; 86(Suppl III): 349.)
Muratli HH, Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY, Boyacıgil S, Damgacı L, Heybeli M. The evaluation of the syndesmotic disruption by MRI-Arthrography at Denis-Weber Type B and C ankle fractures. 6th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Helsinki, Finland, 2003, Abstract Book, p.60-61. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004; 86(Suppl III): 255.)
Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Bicimoglu A, Korkusuz F, Korkusuz P. Bosentan, a non specific endothelin antagonist enhances mineralisation in long bone fracture,” 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece , 2001, Abstract Book, p. 122. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2001; 83(Suppl II): 230.)
Bicimoglu A, Yagmurlu MF, Muratli HH, Tabak AY, Aktekin CN. Fixation of isolated pediatric femoral shaft fractures with closed intramedullary flexible titanium nails” 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstract Book, p. 55. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2001; 83 (Suppl II);163.)
Çakar G, Babaoğlan B, Günel U, Muratlı HH. The treatment and the result of talus fractures. SICOT Regional Congress and XIV. Turkish National Congress for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Izmir, 1995, Abstract Book, p. 328.
Uçaner A, Muratlı HH, Pehlivan M, Sarsu A. The treatment of the congenital vertical talus by soft tissue release. SICOT Regional Congress and XIV. Turkish National Congress for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Izmir, 1995, Abstract Book, p. 294.
Authorship of poster papers whose full text or abstract is published in a congress or symposium organized by an internationally recognized society or association with a scientific referee board, which is held periodically every 1-4 years.
Yuksel H, Hapa O, Muratli H, Aksahin E, Gulcek S, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Axial plane coverage and torsion measurements in primary osteoarthritis of the hip with good frontal plane coverage and spheric femoral head. 11th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Madrid, Spain, 2-5 June 2010.
Aksahin E, Yavuzer G, Yuksel HY, Celebi L, Muratli H, Bicimoglu A. Association between clinical assessment and gait parameters in surgically treated idiopathic clubfoot. 17th Annual Meeting of European Society for Movement Analysis for Adults and Children. 8-13 September 2008, Antalya, Turkey. Gait and Posture 2008 September; 28 (supp 2):113-114
Celebi L, Bicimoglu A, Aktekin CN, Aksahin E, Muratlı HH, Yuksel HY, Hapa O. Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: Comparison of efficacy between normal and high risk groups. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):75
Yuksel HY, Bicimoglu A, Komurcu E, Yavuzer G, Muratli H, Celebi L, Yilmaz S. Long term assessment of unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip after the walking age using quantitative gait analysis: Kinematic hip data. 27th Annual Meeting of European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (EPOS). 9-12 April 2008, Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008 March; 2(supp 1):43-44.
Bicimoglu A, Celebi L, Aksahin E, Yılmaz S, Yuksel HY, Muratli HH. Cementless total hip replacement without femoral shortening in high total dislocation. European Hip Society 2006 Domestic Meeting, 21-24 June 2006, Antalya, Turkey. Hip International 2006 April-June; 16(2):165
Tabak AY, Bicimoglu A, Yagmurlu MF, Muratli HH, Celebi L. Total hip replacement with femoral shortening for the treatment of high congenital hip dislocation. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstracts of Posters Book, p.90.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratli HH, Tabak AY, Aktekin CN, Bicimoglu A. Immediate percutaneous fixation for the treatment of pediatric distal radius fractures. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstracts of Posters Book, p. 9-10.
Bicimoglu A, Tabak AY, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Celebi L. Cementles total hip replacement in avascular necrosis of the femoral head. 5th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Rhodes, Greece, 2001, Abstracts of Posters Book, p.92.
Authorship of chapters in books published or accepted to be published by national publishing houses (except for congress, symposium, workshop, etc.)
Muratli, HH. Use of ceramic biomaterials in Orthopedics and Traumatology. Biomaterials in Orthopedics and Traumatology, ed. M. Gorgec, I. Öztürk, B. Aksoy and H. Bombacı, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Istanbul, 2005, pp.49-57.
Authorship of chapters/chapters in translated books published or accepted to be published by national publishers, including ISBN number, web address available on the internet and the address of the publisher.
Translation: Dr.Ozan Akça, Dr.Emre Bal, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. pes planus In: Campbell Operative Orthopedics. Volume IV. S. Terry Canale, James H. Beaty Eds. Translation Editors. Prof.Dr.Mustafa Başbozkurt, Assoc.Dr.Cemil Yıldız. Sun Medical Bookstores. p: 4587-4623.ISBN:978-975-277-346
Translation: Dr.Cem Nuri Aktekin, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Childhood foot fractures. In: Handbook of Fractures and Dislocations. Kenneth J.Koval, Joseph D. Zuckerman Eds. Translation Editor: Prof.Dr.Uğur Şaylı. Güneş Medical Bookstores.p:629-643. ISBN: 978-975-277-302-8.
Translation: Dr. Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 24. Glenohumeral Arthrodesis. Brent B. Wiesel and Robin R. Richards. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr.Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr.Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3256-3260.
Translation: Dr. Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 25. Total and Partial Shoulder Arthroplasty and Biological Glenoid Resurfacing in Rototor Cuff Intact Glenohumeral Arthritis. Gerald R Williams. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3261-3274.
Translation: Dr.Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 26. Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty and Total Arthroplasty in Patients with Unrepairable Rototor Cuff Tears. Frederic A.Matsen III, Steven B.Lippitt, Ryan T.Bicknell. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3275-3287.
Translation: Dr. Gökhan Özkazanlı, Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 27. Pectoralis Major Repair. Matthew D. Pepe, Bradford S. Tucker, Carl Basamania. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3288-3292.
Translation: Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı, Dr.Sinan Karaca. Chapter 28. Cracking Scapula Syndrome. Jon J.P. Warner, Bassem Elhassan. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Güneş Medical Bookstores.. p:3293-3300.
Translation: Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı, Dr.Sinan Karaca. Chapter 29. The Eden Lange Procedure for Trapezius Paralysis. Jonathan H. Lee, William N. Levine. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3301-3307.
Translation: Dr.Özgün Karakuş, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 30. Pectoralis Major Transfer in Thorasicus Longus Nerve Injury. Raymund A. Klug, Bradford O. Parsons, Evan L. Flatow. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk Güneş Medical Bookstores. p:3308-3315.
Translation: Dr.Özgün Karakuş, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 31. Scapulothoracic Arthrodesis. Shadley C. Schiffern, Sumant G. Krishnan. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3316-3322.
Translation: Dr.Özgün Karakuş, Dr.Hasan Hilmi Muratlı. Chapter 32. Suprascapular Nerve Decompression. Andreas H. Gomoll, Anthony A. Romeo. In: Operative Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery. Sam W Wiesel Eds. Translation Editors. Dr. Selçuk Bölükbaşı, Dr. Akif Muhtar Öztürk. Sun Medical Bookstores. p:3323-3328.
Article writing in journals in the TUBITAK Directory
Çelebi L, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Formoğlu A. Intramedullary locking nailing in femoral shaft fractures: The effect of open and closed reduction on results. Arthroplasty Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery 2006;17:115-122.
Muratlı HH, Yüksel HY, Çelebi L, Dağlı C,figuroğlu A. Functional treatment of adult humeral shaft fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2004; 15:143-151.
Muratlı HH, Yüksel HY, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A, Tabak AY. Our results of treatment with elevation, grafting and internal fixation in tibial plateau fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003;14: 222-229.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A, Tabak AY. Comparison of non-drilling locked intramedullary nailing applications in open and closed tibial shaft fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003;14:25-31.
Uysal ŞN, Muratlı HH, Erdem D, Mutlu M, Tekin M, Göğüş N. Epidural opioids in total hip and knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003;14:18-23.
Tabak AY, Formoglu A, Celebi L, Muratlı HH, Yagmurlu MF, Aktekin CN. Early results of revision total hip arthroplasty using a self-locking revision stem (Wagner stem). Arthroplasty Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery, 2002;13: 65-72.
Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Günel U, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A. Primary in situ arthrodesis of the subtalar joint in intraarticular multicomponent calcaneal fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2001;12:169-177.
Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A, Çelebi L. Clinical and radiological results of patients who underwent complete subtalar release in pes equinovarus. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2001;12:22-31.
Tabak AY, Taşbaş BA, Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH. Application of closed intramedullary nailing in pediatric forearm shaft double fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 2000;34: 374-378.
Writing compilation, technical notes and case presentations in journals in the TÜBİTAK Directory
Hapa O,Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Biçimoğlu A. A case of primitive neuroectodermal tumor in the distal phalanx. Joint Diseases and Surgery, 2007,18(3):130-133.
Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Biçimoğlu A. Isolated greater trochanter tuberculosis: Case report Arthroplasty Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery 2006;17:151-154.
Muratlı HH, Can M, Formoğlu A. Current approach in fracture fixation: internal splinting. TOTBID Magazine. 2003;2: 44-51.
Authorship of articles, reviews, technical notes and case reports that have been published or accepted to be published in other national journals
Muratlı HH, Heybeli M, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Yüksel HY, GünalT. The results of thalectomy intervention in rigid pes equino varus deformity secondary to Arthrogryposis mutiplex congenita. Ankara Numune Hospital Medical Journal. 2003;42:41-46.
Uysal ŞN, Erdem D, Arkan G, Muratlı HH, Demirci A, Kılcı O, Dikmen B. The effect of epidural tramadol and morphine on surgical stress response in major orthopedic interventions. Incision. 2001;4:138-145.
Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Doğan Ö, Formoğlu A. Closed reduction and percutaneous Kirschner wire fixation in fully displaced extension type supracondylar humerus fractures. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopedics (Adopted for publication)
Yuksel HY, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Formoglu A, Tabak AY. Our results of total knee arthroplasty with the Freeman-Samuelson Integral-Modular Total Condylar Knee Prosthesis System. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopedics (Adopted for publication)
Authorship of an oral paper presented in a congress or symposium with a scientific refereeing committee organized periodically, every 1-4 years, by a national society or association and whose full text is published
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Doğan Ö, Formoğlu A. Evaluation of conservative treatment in thoracolumbar burst fractures. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003, Congress Book, Volume I, pp.186-189.
Muratlı HH, Dağlı C, Yavuzer G, Formatoğlu A. Evaluation of patients with idiopathic talipes equinovarus who underwent bilateral posteromedial release surgery by gait analysis. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003 Congress Book, Volume I, pp.460-462.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH, Can M, Tabak AY. Our dynamic arthrography applications in the treatment of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p.301-302.
Aktekin CN, Muratlı HH, Günal T, Tabak AY. Our hemiarthroplasty and dhs plate applications in unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures over the age of 60. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p.200-202.
Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Dağlı C. The effect of wound problems on results in complete subtalar release surgery. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p.340-341.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Doğan Ö, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A. Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with gkd with high total dislocation. femoral shortening with subtrochanteric segmental resection. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Congress Book, Volume I, p. 191-192.
Uçaner A, Muratlı HH, Hasoğlan M. Our biological fixation applications in comminuted long bone fractures. XVI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 1999, Congress Book, p. 244-247.
Günel U, L Celebi, Muratli HH. Applications of primary in situ joint arthrodesis in patients with multiple comminuted calcaneal fractures. XVI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 1999, Congress Book, p. 367-370.
Formoglu A, Gunel U, Muratli HH. Results of complete subtalar release surgery in pes equino varus. XV. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 1997, Congress Book, pp.393-396.
Authorship of oral papers presented and abstracts published in a congress or symposium with a scientific referee board organized periodically, every 1-4 years, by a national society or association
Çebi H, Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Muratlı H, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A. Changes in plasma VEGF in normal and osteoporotic patients. XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3-8 November 2009, Çeşme, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2009;43, supp. I; 42.
Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Formatoğlu A. Immediate incorporation pelvipedal cast in pediatric femur fractures: A comparison of its effectiveness in patients with and without increased risk of shortness. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 19.
Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A. Evaluation of factors that affect the natural course of CRP and ESR in patients with primary total knee and hip arthroplasty, other than infection. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 45.
Yılmaz S, Yüksel HY, Ersöz M, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Formatoğlu A. Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements of hip circumference in patients who underwent radical reduction due to unilateral DDH. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 57.
Yüksel HY, Yılmaz S, Duran S, Akşahin E, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Formatoğlu A. MRI evaluation of the iliopsoas muscle and other muscles around the hips in patients with unilateral DDH who underwent radical reduction. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 58.
Yüksel HY, Yılmaz S, Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. Conservative follow-up of patients with proximal humerus Neer type III and IV fractures without surgical treatment. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 82.
Muratlı HH, Korksuz F, Korkusuz P, Ercan S, Formoğlu A. Investigation of the role of endothelin-1 loaded hydroxyapatite ceramics in fracture healing in a segmental bone defect model created in the rabbit forearm. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (suppl 2):33.
Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Akşahin E, Muratlı H, Biçimoğlu A. Results of ilizarov fixator treatment in pilon fractures. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):49.
Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı H, Akşahin E, Çelebi L. Our ilizarov external fixation results in tibial plateau fractures caused by high-energy trauma. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):52-53.
Muratlı H, Celebi L, Hapa O, Formoğlu A. Endothelin 1 level in patients with osteoporosis. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):64.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Doğan Ö, Yağmurlu MF, Akşahin E, Formoğlu A. Intramedullary fixation in pediatric forearm fractures that were displaced again during plaster treatment. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):84.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Yağmurlu MF, Formoğlu A. Bensahel et al. and the reliability of the international clubfoot study group assessment system. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):86.
Çelebi L, Doğan Ö, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Formoğlu A. Correction loss in short segment instrumentation of thoracolumbar vertebral burst fractures is associated with the amount of intraoperative correction. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 (Suppl 2):70.
Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Yağmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Formoğlu A. Cross-kirschner application in pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures. II. Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, İzmir, 2002, Abstract Book, p.36.
Authorship of poster papers whose full text or abstract is published in a congress or symposium with a scientific referee board organized periodically, once every 1-4 years, by a national society or association
Formoglu A, Celebi L, Akşahin E, Yilmaz S, Yuksel HY, Muratli HH. Cementless total hip arthroplasty without femoral shortening in high hip dislocation. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 23-28 October 2007, Ankara, Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2007;41, supp. III; 126.
Muratlı HH, Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Formatoğlu A. Results of our patients who underwent Fulkerson tuberosityase tibial anteromedialization in chronic anterior knee pain. VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress. 10-14 October 2006, Kuşadası, Turkey. Abstract book, page: 132.
Muratlı HH, Yılmaz S. Clinical and functional results of cases treated surgically for chronic patellofemoral malalignment. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005; 39 (suppl 2):208.
Çelebi L, Can M, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Yüksel HY,figuroğlu A. Indirect reduction and biological internal fixation in comminuted subtrochanteric femur fractures. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 2005;39 (suppl 2):213.
Yetener V, Muratlı H, Mumcuoğlu İ, Utkan A, Balaban N. A case of corynebacterium glucuronolyticum isolated from a wound infection. XXXI. Turkish Microbiology Congress, Congress Book, Aydın, 2004, Congress Book; p.365.
Muratlı HH, Biçimoğlu A, Tabak AY, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Pakel İ. Evaluation of hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in terms of mechanoreceptors in developmental hip dysplasia. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003, Congress Book, Volume II, p.212.
Yağmurlu M, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Formoğlu A. Treatment of pediatric femoral shaft fractures with rare nails. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003, Volume II, p.257.
Muratli HH, Tabak AY. Recurrent traumatic hip dislocation in children. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Volume II, p.661.
Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Dağlı C,figuroğlu A. Mini cincinnati approach in the surgical treatment of pes equinovarus. XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2001, Volume II, p.642.
Refereeing in peer-reviewed journals scanned by the Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Joint Diseases and Related Surgery
Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica
Editorship, congress chairmanship and secretariat in a refereed congress or symposium held in Turkey or abroad periodically.
Annual Meeting of European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children. 08-13 September 2008. Gloria Golf Resort Hotel. Antalya. Turkey. Local Organizing Committee Member.
Panel chairman, panelist or speaker at a refereed congress or symposium held in Turkey or abroad periodically.
4th International Clubfoot Congress. International Federation of Pediatric Orthopedic Societies. Istanbul. Turkey. 2005. VII. Evaluation and Outcome. Moderator
6th National Prostehetics and Orthotics Congress with International Participants. 17-20 October 2007. GATA TAF Rehabilitation and Care Center. Bilkent Ankara. Evaluation of orthotics in polio and DABO measurement. Speaker – Technical workshop practitioner
Editorial, congress chairman and secretariat at a peer-reviewed congress or symposium held periodically by a national society or organization
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 06-07 April 2013. Harran University Faculty of Medicine Conference Hall. Sanliurfa. Course Head
Pediatric Orthopedics Review Course. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Headquarters. 1-2 February 2013. Ankara. Course Head
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 09-10 November 2012. Fırat University Medical Faculty Hospital Conference Hall. Elazig. Course Head.
Orthopedics Meeting. 23-27 April 2008. Gloria Golf Resort Hotel. Belek Antalya. Scientific Committee Member.
Pediatric Knee Problems Symposium. 15-16 June 2007. Istanbul Crown Plaza. Member of Istanbul Symposium Organizing Committee. Symposium Secretary.
Cerebral Palsy Symposium. 23-24 March 2007 Bilkent Hotel Ankara. Member of the Organizing Committee.
Panel chairman, panelist or speaker at a peer-reviewed congress or symposium held periodically by a national society or organization
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 06-07 April 2013. Harran University Faculty of Medicine Conference Hall. Sanliurfa. Infantile hip ultrasonography- anatomy with graph method. Speaker-Trainer
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 06-07 April 2013. Harran University Faculty of Medicine Conference Hall. Sanliurfa. Application of the Ponseti method. Speaker-Trainer
Uludag Orthopedics and Traumatology Days. 11. Arthroplasty Winter Meeting. 7-10 March 2013. Grand Yazıcı Hotel. Uludag Bursa. Negative effects of sports on health in the pediatric age group. Speaker
Pediatric Orthopedics Review Course. Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Headquarters. 1-2 February 2013. Ankara. Displacement of the Epiphyse of the Femoral Head. Speaker
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 09-10 November 2012. Fırat University Medical Faculty Hospital Conference Hall. Elazig. Infantile hip ultrasonography- anatomy with graph method. Speaker-Trainer
0-6 Months Developmental Hip Dysplasia-Pes Echinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Course. 09-10 November 2012. Fırat University Medical Faculty Hospital Conference Hall. Elazig. Application of the Ponseti method. Speaker-Trainer
TOTBID-TOTEK Orthopedics and Traumatology Core Training Program (CEP) Clinical Knowledge Renewal Course. September 28, 2012. Istanbul. Displacement of the epiphysis of the femoral head. Speaker
National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress. 23-28 October 2007. Sheraton Hotel Convention Centre. Ankara. Interactive case discussion. Troubled upper extremity fractures. Debater
National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress. 23-28 October 2007. Sheraton Hotel Convention Centre. Ankara. The lame boy. Traumatic and stress-related causes. Panelist-Speaker
Pediatric Knee Problems Symposium. 15-16 June 2007. Istanbul Crown Plaza. Istanbul Pediatric knee hemarthrosis. Speaker
Advanced Surgical Artoscopy Course. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association. Ankara Branch. 8-9 June 2007. Hilton Hotel, Ankara. Patellar Instability Evaluation. Speaker, Educator
Cerebral Palsy Symposium. 23-24 March 2007 Bilkent Hotel Ankara. Cerebral palsy classification and accompanying problems. Speaker
Elbow circumference fractures, case reports. XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Antalya, 2005. Speaker
Use of ceramic biomaterials in orthopedics. XXIII. Akif Şakir Şakar Days, Istanbul, 2004. Conference
Treatment approach in complicated intra-articular fractures, case reports. XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Istanbul, 2003. Speaker
Session chair or co-chairman of a refereed congress or symposium held periodically by a national society or organization
Baltalimanı Orthopedics and Traumatology Days. 23-25 November 2012. WOW Convention Centre. Istanbul. www.baltalimaniortopedi2012.org. Ankle session. moderator
Degree in national congresses and competitions, science, art and culture and sports events
TOTBID Keçiören (Pediatric Orthopedics) Branch 2011 Scientific Publication First Prize
“The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part II: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation.” Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A. J. Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
TOTBID Keçiören (Pediatric Orthopedics) Branch 2010 Scientific Publication Second Prize
“Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: comparison of efficacy between normal and high-risk groups.” Akşahin E, Celebi L, Yuksel HY, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Aktekin CN, Formoglu A. J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):39-43.
Derviş Manizade Science Awards 2010 Third Prize
“The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part II: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation.” Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A. J. Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
Taking part in the completed project supported by national organizations (TÜBİTAK, TUBA, DPT, TTGV, KOSGEB)
Formoğlu A, Muratlı HH, Korksuz P, Korkusuz F, Ercan S, Akın S, Akkuş O, Taşçı A, Volkan M, Kaya P, Özdurak H, Işıklı S. The use of endothelin 1 containing hydroxyapatite ceramics in segmental bone defects. Final report of TÜBİTAK Research and Development project. Project No: SBAG-2521. Ankara. January 2004.
Advising on completed doctoral or medical specialty theses
Evaluation of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels in osteoporotic patients. Dr. Hakan Cebi. Ankara 2008. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Assoc. Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Coverage, femoral, acetabular anteversion measurements in primary hip osteoarthritis. Dr. Honor Hap. Ankara 2006. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Assoc. Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Reconstruction results of chronic anterior cruciate ligament rupture with quadruple hamstring tendon graft. Dr. Ertugrul Aksahin. Master thesis. Ankara 2005. T.R. Ministry of Health Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Clinical, radiological and comparative gait analysis results in our operated bilateral pes equinovarus cases. Dr. Celalettin Dagli. Master thesis. Ankara. 2003. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli
Clinical, radiological and computed tomographic analysis of radical reduction intervention in walking-age developmental hip dysplasia patients. Dr. Tugrul Gunal. Ankara 2002. Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. 3. Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hasan Hilmi Muratli